Application details

Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Application details

Get Started: How to Apply for "Make It in Munich" in Four Steps

Time to get busy: Find out how to apply – once you are sure you meet the necessary criteria. Here, you can explore the steps required to take advantage of Make it in Munich’s free online offering.


Check to see if you qualify

Take another close look at the qualification criteria – it helps us if you only contact us if you are a match. You are unsure?

Before accessing the registration form, please take a moment to complete the Quick-Check, as it is necessary.

Fill out the registration form

If you’re eligible based on the quick-check, the registration form will be made available to you.

Please note that we cannot consider incomplete forms. If you have specific questions about the form, we will be happy to answer them. Contact us here


Upload additional documents

If you are qualified to apply for the project, you will need to upload the following required documents before submitting your registration form:
  • A copy of your passport/ID card
  • Your curriculum vitae (CV)

Additional documents may be required depending on your visa type:

Wait for us to contact you

We look forward to receiving your application! Please note that it will take some time for us to carefully check your information. We will review your documents and motivation – and contact you if we require any additional input. If you are a potential participant, we will invite you to an initial screening call.

During the screening call, we will:


Before you apply, please take a moment to complete our Quick-Check.

If you are eligible after the quick-check, the registration form will become available.

Ready to get started?