Make it in Munich

Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.

Data protection

General and mandatory information
If you use this website, various personal data will be collected. Personal data is data with which you can be personally identified. This data protection declaration explains what data we collect and what we use it for. It also explains how and for what purpose this happens.

We would like to point out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) can have security gaps. A complete protection of the data against access by third parties is not possible.

Entity responsible for processing
Responsible for data processing on this website is:

Münchner Arbeit gemeinnützige GmbH
Edmund-Rumpler-Straße 13
80939 Munich
Phone: 089/318 809·0
[email protected]

Managing Director
Johann Stelzer

Data protection officer
Münchner Arbeit gemeinnützige GmbH
To: Data Protection Officer
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 13
80939 Munich
[email protected]

Data subject rights
information, blocking, correction, deletion
Within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right to free information about your stored personal data, its origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing and, if necessary, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data at any time. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprint if you have any further questions on the subject of personal data.

Withdrawal of your consent to data processing
Many data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You can revoke consent that you have already given at any time. An informal message by e-mail to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing that took place up until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

Right of appeal to the relevant regulatory authority
In the event of violations of data protection law, the person concerned has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority for data protection issues is the state data protection officer of the federal state in which our company is based. A list of data protection officers and their contact details can be found at the following link:

Right to data portability and limitation of processing
You have the right to have data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfilment of a contract handed over to you or to a third party in a common, machine-readable format. If you request the direct transfer of the data to another person responsible, this will only be done to the extent that it is technically feasible.

You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the imprint. The right to restriction of processing exists in the following cases:

  • If you contest the accuracy of your personal data stored by us, we usually need time to verify this. For the duration of the examination, you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted.
  • If the processing of your personal data happened/is happening unlawfully, you can request the restriction of data processing instead of deletion.
  • If we no longer need your personal data, but you need it to exercise, defend or assert legal claims, you have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be restricted instead of being deleted.

Data collection on our website
Server log files
Each time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the accessing computer.

The stored data is evaluated by the hoster exclusively for statistical purposes and, if necessary, for troubleshooting or averting danger. This data is not merged with other data sources.

The basis for this data processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. b GDPR, which allows the processing of data to fulfil a contract or pre-contractual measures. We have concluded an order processing contract with the provider.

We use cookies on our site. These are small files that your browser creates automatically and that are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our site. Cookies do not damage your end device and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other malware. Information is stored in the cookie that arises in connection with the specific end device used. However, this does not mean that we are informed of your identity as a result.

Which cookies do we use? We only use “Strictly Necessary Cookies” that save your preferences for cookie settings. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit the Make it in Munich website you have to enable or disable cookies again.

The data processed by cookies are required for the stated purposes to protect our legitimate interests and those of third parties in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser in such a way that no cookies are stored on your computer or that a message always appears before a new cookie is created. However, the complete deactivation of cookies may mean that you cannot use all the functions of our website.

Features and Tools
SSL/TLS Encryption
For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as orders or inquiries that you send to us as the site operator, this site uses SSL/TLS encryption. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from “http://” to “https://” and by the lock symbol in your browser line. If SSL/TLS encryption is activated, the data that you transmit to us cannot usually be read by third parties.

Online Registration Form for the Project
You can apply for the project by filling out the online registration form. As part of the registration process, you must agree to the following data protection provisions (
By registering you agree, that we will use your data to respond to your enquiry or to contact you. You can object to the use of the data by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. In the case of your cancellation, your data will be deleted immediately.
Your collected data will be stored and used solely for the purpose of reporting and evaluating feedback on the project beyond the legal period. You can have your data deleted at any time by sending a request to [email protected].

Third Party Components on This Website
This website is based on the open source software WordPress. To protect your privacy, third-party components used by WordPress that can establish connections to an external server (e.g. emojis, Gravatar) are deactivated or modified in such a way that the corresponding components are only loaded locally.

Company Pages in Social Media
Social Media Appearances
We maintain publicly accessible profiles on social networks. The social networks we use in detail can be found below. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. can usually analyze your user behaviour comprehensively when you visit their website or a website with integrated social media content (e.g. Like buttons or advertising banners). Visiting our social media presence triggers numerous data protection-related processing operations. In detail:

If you are logged into your social media account and visit our social media presence, the operator of the social media portal can assign this visit to your user account. Under certain circumstances, however, your personal data can also be recorded if you are not logged in or do not have an account with the respective social media portal. In this case, this data is collected, for example, via cookies that are stored on your end device or by recording your IP address.

With the help of the data collected in this way, the operators of the social media portals can create user profiles in which your preferences and interests are stored. In this way, interest-based advertising can be displayed to you both inside and outside of the respective social media presence. If you have an account with the respective social network, interest-based advertising can be displayed on all devices on which you are logged in or were logged in.

Please also note that we cannot trace all processing operations on the social media portals. Depending on the provider, additional processing operations may therefore be carried out by the operators of the social media portals. Details can be found in the terms of use and data protection regulations of the respective social media portals.

Legal Basis
Our social media appearances should ensure the widest possible presence on the Internet. This is a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR. The analysis processes initiated by the social networks may be based on different legal bases, which must be specified by the operators of the social networks (e.g. consent within the meaning of Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR).

Responsible and Execution of Rights
If you visit one of our social media presences (e.g. Facebook), we are jointly responsible with the operator of the social media platform for the data processing operations triggered during this visit. In principle, you can exercise your rights (information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability and complaints) both against us as well as the operator of the respective social media portal (e.g. vs. Facebook).

Please note that despite the joint responsibility with the social media portal operators, we do not have full influence on the data processing operations of the social media portals. Our options are largely based on the corporate policy of the respective provider:


Storage Duration
The data collected directly by us via the social media presence will be deleted from our systems as soon as the purpose for storing it no longer applies, you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to storage or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies. Saved cookies remain on your end device until you delete them. Mandatory legal provisions – especially retention periods – remain unaffected.

We have no influence on the storage period of your data, which is stored by the operators of the social networks for their own purposes. For details, please contact the operators of the social networks directly.

We have a profile on LinkedIn. The provider is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland. Details on how they handle your personal data can be found in LinkedIn’s data protection declaration:

Update and Changes to This Privacy Policy
This data protection declaration is currently valid and has the status July 2024.


The layout of our website, the graphics used and the contributions are protected by copyright. Except for private use, the pages may not be copied, translated, modified, reproduced, stored or processed electronically or otherwise, or used in any other way, either in whole or in part, without our express consent.


All information on this server is provided without guarantee for the correctness. Under no circumstances will liability be assumed for damage resulting from the use of the information accessed.

Liability Note

We have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages and therefore assume no responsibility for them. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

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