Visa types

Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.
Munich's official website for qualified professionals and young talents from abroad.

Visa types: Does your visa qualify for our free offers?

There are many types of visas for Munich: vocational training visa, work visa, visa for language acquisition, and many more. The Make it in Munich courses and events are free for different long-term visa types. Do you want to know which ones they are? You are in the right spot. Check here if your visa type qualifies for our free offers!  

More about first steps to Munich

Permits, bank accounts, documents: First steps in Munich, Germany for third-country nationals can be demanding. “Make it in Munich“ helps with transitioning. Find out more here! 

Working, studying, and living in Germany? Main visa types:

Here are the visa types that allow participation in the Make it in Munich project. Click on each visa type to explore the specific requirements and application process.

EU Blue Card visa

Work visa for qualified professionals

Visa for professionally experienced workers 

Visa for vocational training

Visa for recognition partnership

Visa for language acquisition

Job search opportunity card

Family reunification

Did you know?

Review your eligibility and start your journey with us: For further information regarding other visa types and special regulations, please refer to the Make it in Germany.